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The Smoothie Trap

How many of us have fallen prey to drinking a smoothie and thinking that it's a healthier alternative to eating a regular meal? I'm here to tell you that it's not always the case! One word for you - SUGAR! A lot of smoothies we buy contain fruit purees and juice concentrates that are made with a LOT of sugar. Simply looking at the nutrition information and ingredients will give it away. The rule I follow is to make sure my smoothies don't contain more than 18 to 20 grams of sugar.

Below are some quick tips I try to stick to when making my smoothies:

Add Only One Serving of Fruits: I try to stick to the recommended serving size of fruits in any smoothie I make by using a measuring cup. Remember that the more fruit you add, the more sugar and carbs you are adding to your smoothie. For example, I use half of a banana and a handful of berries in this Very Berry smoothie I make.

Use Low Fat or Unsweetened Yoghurt/Milk: I save some calories and sugar by using half a cup of low fat vanilla greek yoghurt, plain greek yoghurt, or unsweetened almond milk.

A Smoothie IS A Meal: I don't drink a smoothie as a juice or as a side course to my meal LOL. I replace my dinner with a smoothie.

Greens Are Great: I add spinach to my smoothies and other than changing the color of my smoothie, i don't taste it because the other ingredients mask the taste. You can also add kale, celery, or any veggies of your choice.

Depending on the smoothie I'm making, I also add some ginger, coconut water, low-carb protein powder, or half a teaspoon of peanut butter. You can check out this link for some easy smoothie recipes complete with nutrition information.

Thanks for reading! xoxo.


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