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Non-Profit Spotlight: Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas Child

It's never too early to start teaching your kids about giving back. And Samaritan's Purse is the perfect avenue for not only teaching them about servanthood, but also about God. Growing up, do you remember the story about the good Samaritan? That's exactly the mission of the Samaritan's Purse - to show the love of God by helping those in need through various ministry projects. One of their most popular projects is Operation Christmas Child where you pack a shoebox with toys, hygiene items, and school supplies, donate $9 per box for shipping and processing, and it goes to underprivileged children in more than 100 different countries. Not only will these children receive Christmas presents, they get the opportunity to learn about God from their local pastors and community leaders. You can learn more about the journey of a shoebox here.

I've always seen Operation Christmas Child posters at stores, but I always somehow missed the drop off deadline. Last week, I was at my local Hobby Lobby and they had the plastic Operation Christmas Child boxes for sale, and I immeditately thought about how fun it would be for my kids to help fill the boxes. I got some toys, hygiene items, and school supplies from Dollar Tree, and we got to it! My kids enjoyed putting the items in the boxes as I explained to them that these presents were for their friends who did not have enough for Christmas. My explanation fell on deaf ears to my 2 year old daughter who kept removing a doll and wanting to open other items from the box, and got "emotional" when I tried to take the items away from her 😅😅. Luckily for me, I anticipated their confusion and had gotten some extra toys to appease them 😂.

Nevertheless, I highly recommend you do this with your kids - it's an easy and safe way to give back this holiday season. Click here for all the info you need - you can also fill an old shoebox up and drop it off at a designated location, or you can choose to pack a shoebox online. Hurry though, because the National Collection Week is November 15 - 22nd! Thanks for stopping by and let me know if you end up doing this - I'd love to hear about your experience!


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