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A Guide to Volunteering From Home - Part 1

As you may know by now, one of my passions and calling is giving back. I truly love to donate my time and resources to the less privileged! As we enter this season of thankfulness and joy, let us not forget to give back to those that are less privileged than us. The coronavirus pandemic has put a damper on physically voulnteering, but I am glad that so many organizations have adjusted and offer opportunities to volunteeer from the comfort of your home. Below is a guide I put together depending on if you want to donate your time, your money or your resources. You can also do a simple Google search by your location to find opportunities closer to your home.

Donate Your Time

  • After School Tutoring: Tutor school children in underserved community in reading, math, and other areas (Learn to Be, School on Wheels)

  • Teach English: Teach English a few hours a week to left-behind and rural children in China with Stepping Stones. Or teach English to refugees with English in Action.

  • Career Counselor: Teach students career-building skills by becoming a Career Coach with Scholar Match, or Posse.

  • Resume Coach: Help job seekers write strong resumes with Career Collaborative or Street Wise Partners.

  • Be An Adocate: You can choose a cause dear to your hear and be their advocate. For example the American Red Cross is looking for advocates to create calls to action on social media and to create online fundraisers. World Vision is looking for Volunteer Advocates to advocate directly with members of Congress so that kids around the world can experience the full life God intended.

Donate Your Money

  • Atlanta Community Food Bank: Your one time or monthly donation will help the Food Bank meet the urgent need for food in the wake of COVID-19.

  • Selfless 4 Africa: Donate to my non-profit (YAY!) to help improve educational and health outcomes of individuals in underserved communities in Africa.

  • Amazon Smile: Support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.

  • Hosea Feed the Hungry: You can sponsor the a case management program for a family or sponsor a woman's job placement program.

  • Operation Turkey: A $100 donation can feed 40 people this holiday season.

Donate Your Resources

  • Goodwill: Donate items around your house to your local Goodwill center.

  • Thanksgiving Charity Baskets: Put together baskets for a individuals and families in need on Thanksgiving, and donate them to your local shelter.

  • Food Bank Donations: Donate canned and non-perishable food items to your local food bank by searching by location here.

  • Turkey on a Table Book: 10 meals will be provided to someone in need with each Turkey on the Table® book that is sold.

  • Samaritan's Purse: You can create a gift-filled shoebox online for a child in another country through Operation Christmas Child.


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