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4 Bedtime Hacks to Lose Weight

I have been on a fitness journey almost all my life LOL, and believe me when I tell you that it matters what you do before bedtime to aid your weight loss journey. Below are some tricks I have tried and tested over the years that yield results:

1.) No Food After 7/8pm: I can still hear Oprah in my head when she still had her talk show talking about this. In the past few years, I have tried to incorporate this into my daily routine through Intermittent Fasting - I skip breakfast and eat my first meal ar 12 or 1pm and eat my last meal between 7 to 8pm.

2.) No Carbs For Dinner: For the most part, I try not to eat any carbs for dinner. I eat my carbs for lunch in the afternoon, and stick to protein, a protein shake, or a salad for dinner with some nuts.

3.) Get Hydrated: Be it with water or some tea, it's important to keep your body hydrated at night because your body needs water to function its best, which in turn promotes weight loss.

4.) Get a Good Night's Rest: I don't know about you, but if I do not get 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night, I tend to get irritable, which makes me more likely to make unhealthy food choices. There are also studies out there that state that ghrelin (appetite stimulating hormone) increases when we don't get enough sleep, and leptin (hormone that contributes to our feeling of fullness) decreases when we don't get enough sleep.

Thanks for reading! Do you have any other bed time hacks you've tried that aid in weight loss? Please share below! XOXO.


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